Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Youngest "Hall Of Famer".. Edge !

For those of of you.. who don't know who he is.. He is Edge or his real name Adam Copeland..
He is a WWE Wrestler.. i know many of you said that wwe is berlakon , tumbuk tak kena
or whatsoever.. you can go to hell.. thats what we called professional..
takkan la kau nak tengok dia patah kan kaki anak orang betol betol.. gila ke ?
okay back to the topic.. Edge is my favourite wrestler ever.. i watch wwe/wwf
since i was 4 years old and thanks to Edge.. i'm still watching it till now..
no matter what gimmick that he brought , i'm still supporting him..
he's a talented wrestler.. one day wwf/wwe without Edge is sucks.. seriously..
i know sometimes he injured.. and he made a return 3 or 4 months later..
suddenly , a really bad news about Edge , doctors are not allowed Edge
to wrestle again due to serious Neck and Spinal Cord injuries..
that injuries may cause Edge to paralyzed throughout his life if he
continued wrestle
and he need to retire at the age of 38.. soooo sad..
and that caused me to lost interest in watching wwe anymore..
still watch but with no feeling at all.. Edge is face of wwe..

"WWE = We Want Edge"..
i've been his biggest fan for 13 years.. Thank you Edge !! (1998 - 2011)
i'm the happiest person when you're inducted
into Hall of Fame.. proud to be your fan..

p / s : still remember the Edge's interview segment.. they ask Edge how he feels
after being inducted into Hall of Fame and he answered , "..i feel old.." LOL haha..


  1. bile Edge dah takde negok wwe pun rasa lain je.. miss you Edge!
