Monday, January 23, 2012

Grateful for the bad things ?

Yes.. I've been waiting this moment for a thousand years..
the kid that always make me and my cats in trouble finally exploded with tears..
petang tadi , he again wants to provoke me but again who cares.. LOL
aku takde masa nak gaduh dengan manusia yang tak bertamadun ni..
umur dah 11 tahun pun lari bogel kat luar lagi.. sumpah terencat..
okay back to the topic , he jumping like stupid and taunted my cats..
suddenly the penutup longkang breaks and he falls in the 1 metre's drain..
his left leg swollen and bleed heavily.. dah tau badan
gemok macam badak air nak lompat lompat kan.. padan muka..
then me and my sister laugh soooo hard and hug each other and said "finally".. haha
he then cried and mengadu to his mom.. and his mom jeling jeling
at my house.. bukan nak berterima kasih bapak aku tolong angkatkan
anak kau tu.. siap sapu ubat lagi.. kalau aku memang aku biar je..
the last thing i want to said to that pathetic kid is...........

Serve You Right !
hope you will be learned to be a "human" from that incident.. Kid !

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