Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Time For Miracle

"Baby" you know that.. maybe its tiiiime for miracle.. (not that 2012 song).. LOL
yeah.. its a miracle for my babies.. it really shocked me when i'm seeing it..
yesterday , i forgot to put this babies into safe place before going to sleep..
and a heavy rain happened at 2:30am till 4:00am.. then i woke up at 3:45am
and ran quickly to save the babies.. at that time i almost thought that
my babies are already drowned or extremely cold or even worse
i thought they're already dead becoz they didn't make any noise..
very worried at that time.. but when i opened the door , Oh Myyyyy...
all things are wet badly.. the shoes , the clothes and even the floor
are terribly wet.. but.. guess what.. the baby's box not wet at all
and the babies are sleeping like nothing happens.. kotak baby tu kering
sedangkan lantai dekat tepi kotak basah lencun..

That's Really a Miracle !!
Thank You Allah for saving that innocent creature.. appreciate it..

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