Monday, February 6, 2012

Old School.. Why You So....... Hot !

yes.. just like what you just see in the above pic.. my former high school's hall was on fire..
wow.. its a really really big flame there.. not sure the fire comes from litar pintas
or budak budak yg buat bcoz 2 years ago the discipline office was on fire too
and that is kerja budak nakal untuk bersihkan rekod disiplin diorang..
but this time, still not sure who / what caused it..
below are the loads of pictures of the burning hall :

 Goodbye 50 years hall !

keajaiban.. api langsung tak menjalar ke kanan iaitu bilik penyimpanan Yasin dan al-Quran..

 finally the bomba has arrived

 there was nothing left.. the big flame were really hungry..

this is the hall looks like after the fire has been extinguished..

but some students thought that the fire is the gift of god..
bcoz finally they will have a newly designed hall which is more luxurious
than before.. with dinding , air-cond or whatsoever.. what a freak..
they should be sad bcoz their 50 years old hall is "burnt to death".. tak elok
bersenang diatas keresahan pengetua.. its a really bad attitude.. you know!!

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