Monday, February 6, 2012

I Pass Like A BOSS of all BOSSES !! You Know !!

My Lesen Kereta Journey Update...

Taklimat Undang-Undang Jalanraya  ☑

Ujian Rabun Warna                           
Ujian Undang-Undang                       
Masuk Bengkel                                 
Latihan Memandu                             
Lesen L                                              
Ujian QTI                                           
Test JPJ                                             
Lesen P                                              
Lesen Kompeten                             ( coming soon )
Drift                                                 ( still illegal )

WooHoo!! finally.. i passed the JPJ Test last friday with just one attempt..
although many of them disappointed (fail).. but i leave the driving school
with a very very big smile and tears of happiness.. but the thing that
i can't forget is when the test , my teacher said that the JPJ is supposed
to be quiet throughout the test.. by my JPJ is different..
he always pot pet pot pet on me.. mencarut carut bagai.. bagi salam
pun tak jawab.. cakap terima kasih pun buat muka kerek.. dah la kelantan..
buruk benor bahase ko mencarut.. he then ask me to break the rules..
tak payah check side mirror lah.. bawak laju lah.. what a joke..
no wonder la cikgu aku yg satu negeri ngan kau pun benci kat kau.. haduii..
then at the end , he note the mistakes that i do but the fact that i didn't do that actually..
but its okay.. as long as you still give me the LULUS word.. i accept it as dugaan.. LOL
i didn't simpan dendam or benci kau.. but at that time.. woo.. its really hurts dude..
nak pekak kan telinga pun tak termampu.. pedas sangat bahasa nya..
okay done with that.. next week i got the lesen and may starts driving.. woohoo!!

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