Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Aiskrim Bawang ? Yuck !

what a hot afternoon today.. ( although rainy in the evening )..
so i always look forward to any cold drink or ice..
then when i open the refrigerator , bad news.. nothing helps.. hee
then my little brother said.. "nak aiskrim".. then i was like.. "waa, ada ais krim"..
then i quickly open back the refrigerator and... found one.. at last....
then i ate it without amek kesah to my little brother.. haha kejamkan ?
the taste of the ice-cream is a bit different , but who cares.. i'm thirsty.. LOL
suddenly.. yes suddenly.. my ibu said "Ijam makan aiskrim tu?"..
then i replied "a'ah kenapa?".. then ibu replied back "tau tak itu bukan aiskrim..
tu bawang blend ready-made.. ibu beli kat kedai diorang bungkus camtu"..
hancur luluh hati ini.. banyak dah aiskrim tu saya gigit.. huaaa~
loya gila tekak bila dengar ibu cakap camtu.. nak muntah..
why la tak cakap awal awal... grr..

Looks terrible right ? yuckies!

The Moral Of The Story is : Never to mess up with our little brother or sister
or else.. you will have a Aiskrim Bawang nightmare! Har Har Har!!!

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