Monday, February 20, 2012

My Perfect Birthday Gift ! but...

The last BlackStar Tour 2012 - landed in Malaysia..

we love you Avril.. you're really rock the stage.. and the crowd
gone crazy.. all of your songs are great and you sing it very well..
i was a lot happy when you said "tonight is the special night...."
i was hoppin' that the "special night" is my birthday.. lol
still remember when Avril sing "Wish You Were Here".. funny part
when she sings "There's a girl.. who give us......."  and the crowd
together said "SHIT".. then Avril was like "OMG, did they just
said that word ? ".. after that when she sing the "Smile" song ,
they were no cencored part at all.. haha too funny..
overall.. really great performance as Avril performs at her best..
even me scream out loud till the end of the concert..
still suprised to see the person that i grown up with her
songs is singing in front of my own bare eyes..


there one thing that spoils my happy mood..
my camera has been stole by the "pukimakjadah" Guard..
even my friend's camera too.. they ask me to hand my bag
coz they want to check it.. and they say camera , Perfumes ,
Hairspray and others are not allowed to bring in..
and they ask me to put my bag at the counter or else
i can't go in.. i stupidly trust them and hand it my bag to them..
and i see some peoples do the same thing.. but when the
concert was finished.. i found my bag outside the entrance with
full of sampah sarap.. and when i opened it.. Shit..
cameras missing and so were the guards.. i'm search for the
stupid indian guard for almost 2 hours and still didn't find it..
done the police report but what can police do.. i've no evidence..
all i can say right now is bye-bye camera..

actually i was planning to go to the Evanescense concert
at 23rd February.. but.. all were stunted due to this shitty problems..

actually there is a police station just beside the stadium..
if i know early i would put my bag there instead of
giving to stupid guards that will rotten in hell..

but than doesn't really affect the whole show actually..
i still have fun at the concert and enjoyed my birthday very much..
about that camera.. i considered it as Dugaan.. nothing more..
maybe 2012 is the year when good and bad things happens at the same time..
nah dun really care , main point is the Avril Lavigne is soooo freaking awesome !!
the crowd chants We Want More We Want More were unforgetable !

My Freaking New Hairstyle !

for one night only.. lol.. my friends love it but my ayah said
"pesen apa tu ? mcm rambut maknyah je ? hmmhh"
alahai ayah.. zaman skarang bukan zaman agogo lagi..
takkan nak ijam pakai minyak zaiton banyak banyak
sampai rambut jadi keras mcm batu.. terima jelah
hakikat yang zaman ayah tu dah berlalu.. opss! haha..

Friday, February 17, 2012

Damn ~ Damn ~ Damn ~~

Huaaaa.. i didn't win the free Avril Lavigne concert's ticket..
really sad and damn jealous with the two lucky guys..
well , maybe its not my lucky day to win that.. maybe if Ke$ha comes
to Malaysia i WILL win the ticket no matter what.. LOL haha
but nevermind , i bought the ticket already.. still going to the
concert.. wait for me Avril..

Hey , supposed to be my name there..
Sir Randolph Mank , you picked a wrong names.. pick again.. lol

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hey! I'm an Adult Man Now... LOL

things are just getting better and better.. i pass the test on Friday 3/2/2012
with just one attempt and got the lesen 6 days later.. so fast.. *sambil lap air mata*.. LOL
i feel like i'm already an adult man since having that lesen.. kah! kah! kah!
so my next goal is to find any jobs while waiting for the SPM result..
*hope i can get the best result for SPM.. at least 4 A's and others at least C's*..
i would like to have some pocket money before studying somewhere else..

P/S : ...but.... there is one word that always make me serabut kepala.. plkn.. arrghh..

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Playing With The Rotten Apple..

One Day.............

 This Apple has been caught..

 and brought into dark place..

 ready to be punished..

 he has been tortured..

 the end of his life..

LOL.. Keh! Keh! Keh!

P/S : Today is someone's birthday.. yeah 'someone'.. i have no
credit to sms her and wish a touching birthday wish.. lol.. other than
wishing her in FB.. also hope this "cute" apple can be enough
to adore her.. lol.. again.. Happy Birthday dear !

Aiskrim Bawang ? Yuck !

what a hot afternoon today.. ( although rainy in the evening )..
so i always look forward to any cold drink or ice..
then when i open the refrigerator , bad news.. nothing helps.. hee
then my little brother said.. "nak aiskrim".. then i was like.. "waa, ada ais krim"..
then i quickly open back the refrigerator and... found one.. at last....
then i ate it without amek kesah to my little brother.. haha kejamkan ?
the taste of the ice-cream is a bit different , but who cares.. i'm thirsty.. LOL
suddenly.. yes suddenly.. my ibu said "Ijam makan aiskrim tu?"..
then i replied "a'ah kenapa?".. then ibu replied back "tau tak itu bukan aiskrim..
tu bawang blend ready-made.. ibu beli kat kedai diorang bungkus camtu"..
hancur luluh hati ini.. banyak dah aiskrim tu saya gigit.. huaaa~
loya gila tekak bila dengar ibu cakap camtu.. nak muntah..
why la tak cakap awal awal... grr..

Looks terrible right ? yuckies!

The Moral Of The Story is : Never to mess up with our little brother or sister
or else.. you will have a Aiskrim Bawang nightmare! Har Har Har!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

I Pass Like A BOSS of all BOSSES !! You Know !!

My Lesen Kereta Journey Update...

Taklimat Undang-Undang Jalanraya  ☑

Ujian Rabun Warna                           
Ujian Undang-Undang                       
Masuk Bengkel                                 
Latihan Memandu                             
Lesen L                                              
Ujian QTI                                           
Test JPJ                                             
Lesen P                                              
Lesen Kompeten                             ( coming soon )
Drift                                                 ( still illegal )

WooHoo!! finally.. i passed the JPJ Test last friday with just one attempt..
although many of them disappointed (fail).. but i leave the driving school
with a very very big smile and tears of happiness.. but the thing that
i can't forget is when the test , my teacher said that the JPJ is supposed
to be quiet throughout the test.. by my JPJ is different..
he always pot pet pot pet on me.. mencarut carut bagai.. bagi salam
pun tak jawab.. cakap terima kasih pun buat muka kerek.. dah la kelantan..
buruk benor bahase ko mencarut.. he then ask me to break the rules..
tak payah check side mirror lah.. bawak laju lah.. what a joke..
no wonder la cikgu aku yg satu negeri ngan kau pun benci kat kau.. haduii..
then at the end , he note the mistakes that i do but the fact that i didn't do that actually..
but its okay.. as long as you still give me the LULUS word.. i accept it as dugaan.. LOL
i didn't simpan dendam or benci kau.. but at that time.. woo.. its really hurts dude..
nak pekak kan telinga pun tak termampu.. pedas sangat bahasa nya..
okay done with that.. next week i got the lesen and may starts driving.. woohoo!!

Old School.. Why You So....... Hot !

yes.. just like what you just see in the above pic.. my former high school's hall was on fire..
wow.. its a really really big flame there.. not sure the fire comes from litar pintas
or budak budak yg buat bcoz 2 years ago the discipline office was on fire too
and that is kerja budak nakal untuk bersihkan rekod disiplin diorang..
but this time, still not sure who / what caused it..
below are the loads of pictures of the burning hall :

 Goodbye 50 years hall !

keajaiban.. api langsung tak menjalar ke kanan iaitu bilik penyimpanan Yasin dan al-Quran..

 finally the bomba has arrived

 there was nothing left.. the big flame were really hungry..

this is the hall looks like after the fire has been extinguished..

but some students thought that the fire is the gift of god..
bcoz finally they will have a newly designed hall which is more luxurious
than before.. with dinding , air-cond or whatsoever.. what a freak..
they should be sad bcoz their 50 years old hall is "burnt to death".. tak elok
bersenang diatas keresahan pengetua.. its a really bad attitude.. you know!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Menunggu Di Luar Garisan.. ~ ~

- Greyson Chance -

He's a great singer actually if compared to *cough* *cough* *Justin Bieber* *cough*.. LOL
i'm not insulting Bieber.. still respect all her.. ops.. i mean his fans..
Greyson's song are all kinda matured and the way he sing make it more better..
although his voice still childly voice , at least he didn't sing a "happy go lucky" song
like Bieber's song "Baby".. that make the songs look more childish..
i'm not his fan but i have to admit that i enjoyed listening to his song..