Monday, January 30, 2012


still can't imagine how a guy can transform into sexy girl and a girl
transform into hot guy.. even better than the original one.. wow..

Hiburan vs Agama ?

Ustad Ustad.. bukan nak menyangkal tindakan Ustad.. tapi perlu ke
membandingkan setiap perkara dengan agama ? kalau kita betul betul
niat ikhlas nak berdakwah , tak perlulah clash kan tarikh tu dengan mana mana
hiburan.. Islam pun tak larang kita untuk berhibur selagi kita tidak melanggar
batasan agama kan ? sedang kan ketika berdakwah pun akan diselitkan unsur
jenaka supaya para pendengar tidak mengantuk.. jenaka pun salah satu hiburan kan ?
tak perlulah guna ayat "kalau sayangkan Allah, hadir lah ceramah saya..
kalau sayangkan SYAITAN , pergilah berhibur".. kami tau kami
memang tak boleh membantah dengan ayat ayat berunsurkan agama.. berdosa..
tetapi biarlah orang yang nak datang kuliyyah tu dengan hati yang ikhlas.. bukan rasa
terpaksa atau bangga diri atas sebab sebab tertentu.. itu sudah jatuh hukum lain..
saya tahu , mungkin ramai anggap saya ni manusia akhir zaman..
menolak pandangan orang yang berilmu.. kan ? sebenarnya tak..
saya memang suka mendengar pandangan dari Ustaz / Uztazah dan
berkongsi masalah dengan dengan mereka.. cuma dengan UAI ni je saya...
haishhh.. tanak cakap banyak lagi la.. nanti ada yang kena serang la..
masuk paper la.. Hmmm...

P/S : Btw AJL tahun ni terbaek.. Beribu Sesalan! hoho

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

We Wish You Were Here... Avril !

Avril Lavigne , one of the singer alongside with P!nk ,
Britney Spears , Westlife etc that i grew up with her songs..
I really wish to be at her LIVE concert here in Malaysia on 18th February..
plus my birthday is on 19th February.. if i got a free ticket to her concert ,
that will be the biggest birthday gift in my life.. talking about the free ticket ,
there is one website that offers a free ticket if we wins the contest..
the contest is simple.. just tell your favourite Avril's song and why.. the best
answer will be the winner and the winner will be announced on 15th February..

So this is my shot....

simple right.. really hope i can get the ticket via this answer..

but i fuckingly hate to see peoples who not following the rules..
they think they're cool by giving that stupid answer.. like this...

hello.. this contest is about your favourite song and why..
not making a sentence using Avril's songs title.. sooo dumb !

Or this...

Ini bukan pertandingan MEMBODEK Avril ye.. sila ikut peraturan.. dumbass..

I know many of you still wondering why i'm sooo mad with that pathetic answer..
it is that they use the element of "sympathy" to win the free ticket..
and their chance to win is more bright than others because their answer
is more interesting.. (Hell No.. i will rebelled if that happen)..
that is soooo Not Fair.. everybody wants the ticket , so pleaseee.....
answer cleanly.. i'm begged.. may the best man win..

P/S : wonder if i failed to get the free ticket.. oh my..
the price for one ticket is RM98-RM298.. its toooo expensive..
that's why i want the free ticket desperately..

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Driving Lesson Report..

Taklimat Undang-Undang Jalanraya  ☑
Ujian Rabun Warna                           
Ujian Undang-Undang                       
Masuk Bengkel                                 
Latihan Memandu                             
Lesen L                                              
Ujian QTI                                           
Test JPJ                                             
Lesen P                                              
Lesen Kompeten                                
Drift                                                 ( illegal )

Hope i can pass the JPJ Test.. Oh my goat.. seraaam!!
although the test can be repeated many times if failed..
i want the car license as soon as i can..
even my friend ( training with the same cikgu )
and SHE pass the test with just one attempt.. waaa jealous!

p/s : my JPJ Test is two weeks from now.. at Friday.. Wish me luck guys!

Journey To The Mysterious Island

Pretty much interesting huhh.. i like this kind of movie..
adventurous + thrill + funny = Awesome !
plus The Rock really rockin' the movie..
4 in a half Stars for that..

P/S : i don't want to waste my energy to explain about the movie here..
just go and watch by yourself.. LOL.. believe me , it worth..

Maybe Mayan Was Right... LOL

bye bye all.. see you all in 22/12/2012 at padang mahsyar..
okay cut off with that pathetic joke.. straight to the point..
hmm.. is Kiamat really happens on this date ? if you were
Islam , for sure you will say no.. Kiamat will happens
40 years after Nabi Isa came to earth.. kalaulah
Nabi Isa turun skarang pon tahun 2052 baru Kiamat.. tau..

Strange Voice from sky at Kota Samarahan , Sabah..

Based on that video , I know something Big will happen..
but we still not sure what will happen.. just get ready je lah..
many people said that the strange voice is because of HAARP..
( click this link for more information about HAARP )
Some says that soon will be no electric source anymore..
but no one confirmed that.. hope not..
and i hope nothing happen on earth as long as i'm still step on it..

Grateful for the bad things ?

Yes.. I've been waiting this moment for a thousand years..
the kid that always make me and my cats in trouble finally exploded with tears..
petang tadi , he again wants to provoke me but again who cares.. LOL
aku takde masa nak gaduh dengan manusia yang tak bertamadun ni..
umur dah 11 tahun pun lari bogel kat luar lagi.. sumpah terencat..
okay back to the topic , he jumping like stupid and taunted my cats..
suddenly the penutup longkang breaks and he falls in the 1 metre's drain..
his left leg swollen and bleed heavily.. dah tau badan
gemok macam badak air nak lompat lompat kan.. padan muka..
then me and my sister laugh soooo hard and hug each other and said "finally".. haha
he then cried and mengadu to his mom.. and his mom jeling jeling
at my house.. bukan nak berterima kasih bapak aku tolong angkatkan
anak kau tu.. siap sapu ubat lagi.. kalau aku memang aku biar je..
the last thing i want to said to that pathetic kid is...........

Serve You Right !
hope you will be learned to be a "human" from that incident.. Kid !

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Time For Miracle

"Baby" you know that.. maybe its tiiiime for miracle.. (not that 2012 song).. LOL
yeah.. its a miracle for my babies.. it really shocked me when i'm seeing it..
yesterday , i forgot to put this babies into safe place before going to sleep..
and a heavy rain happened at 2:30am till 4:00am.. then i woke up at 3:45am
and ran quickly to save the babies.. at that time i almost thought that
my babies are already drowned or extremely cold or even worse
i thought they're already dead becoz they didn't make any noise..
very worried at that time.. but when i opened the door , Oh Myyyyy...
all things are wet badly.. the shoes , the clothes and even the floor
are terribly wet.. but.. guess what.. the baby's box not wet at all
and the babies are sleeping like nothing happens.. kotak baby tu kering
sedangkan lantai dekat tepi kotak basah lencun..

That's Really a Miracle !!
Thank You Allah for saving that innocent creature.. appreciate it..

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Drunk because of Sunlight ?

Drunk Driving.. yeahh.. thats me. tak tau lah kenapa training hari ni rasa
mabuk and bawak kereta melayang layang.. (enjin mati tak payah cakap lah) ..haha..
dah la tengah "mabuk".. pastu cikgu cikgu kat sini buat tempat ni macam
makbapak diorang punya tempat pulak.. aku punya lama beratur tengah panas
nk buat latihan tu , sedap sedap je kau panggil anak ayam.. ops!! anak murid
kau potong baris aku.. bila aku mengamuk.. dah buat muka.. baru nak bagi aku jalan..
pooodah.. pastu buat buat cerita pasal aku.. dah memang kau salah.. mampos kau lah..
memang tak tau lah kenapa hari ni punya training tension gila..
Panas + "mabuk" + kereta problem + cikgu macam taik = SHIT..
mujur cikgu aku tak seteruk cikgu yang rasa makbapak dia punya tempat ni..
(tapi most of the cikgu kat situ semua ok.. cuma 2-3 ni jelah yang...........)

p/s : woohoo!! nasib baik ada benda yang kembalikan mood..
dapat bawak kereta dekat jalanraya betul betul..
dapat bawak laju laju and sampai dengan selamat..
and the most happiest this is , enjin langsung tak mati padahal
selama ni bawak kat jalaraya mesti mati enjin.. hahaha

The Youngest "Hall Of Famer".. Edge !

For those of of you.. who don't know who he is.. He is Edge or his real name Adam Copeland..
He is a WWE Wrestler.. i know many of you said that wwe is berlakon , tumbuk tak kena
or whatsoever.. you can go to hell.. thats what we called professional..
takkan la kau nak tengok dia patah kan kaki anak orang betol betol.. gila ke ?
okay back to the topic.. Edge is my favourite wrestler ever.. i watch wwe/wwf
since i was 4 years old and thanks to Edge.. i'm still watching it till now..
no matter what gimmick that he brought , i'm still supporting him..
he's a talented wrestler.. one day wwf/wwe without Edge is sucks.. seriously..
i know sometimes he injured.. and he made a return 3 or 4 months later..
suddenly , a really bad news about Edge , doctors are not allowed Edge
to wrestle again due to serious Neck and Spinal Cord injuries..
that injuries may cause Edge to paralyzed throughout his life if he
continued wrestle
and he need to retire at the age of 38.. soooo sad..
and that caused me to lost interest in watching wwe anymore..
still watch but with no feeling at all.. Edge is face of wwe..

"WWE = We Want Edge"..
i've been his biggest fan for 13 years.. Thank you Edge !! (1998 - 2011)
i'm the happiest person when you're inducted
into Hall of Fame.. proud to be your fan..

p / s : still remember the Edge's interview segment.. they ask Edge how he feels
after being inducted into Hall of Fame and he answered , "..i feel old.." LOL haha..

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Win-Lose Situation !

Well , i know its adat dunia right.. ada menang and ada kalah..
and by that we've found a solution to it.. a "win-win situation"..
sometimes that solution works.. but for me , most of them
will ended in "win-lose situation"..

how come we can dealing with two
important problems while we've only have one body ? LOL that is
just a sarcastic statement.. actually i didn't have the power
to handled two problems with one solution.. maybe sometimes
i do but most of the time i don't.. and sometimes , i feel jealous
to people that has a talent to do that.. who ? Cikgu Sivik maybe.. LMAO

P / S : or maybe this cute creature can help us.. keh keh keh !!

When i was a kid , i always hope that Doraemon will be at my
side all the time so that my life are free from every problem.. LOL miss that moment..

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Get Crazy , Get Wild.. or Get "hair Loss" ?

Grrrrrrr.. i've editing my blog to make more interesting.. so far.. everything is okay..
i've added many of the eye-catching things in my blog.. but......... err........
since now i failed to change my background... toooo annoyed !
everytime when i'm try to do it, my blog is damage.. luckily i have
backup my blog already.. that shitty things also happens in
several times before when i'm about to do something else..
but that doesn't as sleazy as when i wanna put a blog background... ffffuuuu

This is how my hair messed up and falls everywhere when i'm mad..
maybe i need a Yun Nam Haircare products..

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ke$ha is a Songwriter ?

I don't give a damn about what you wanna said about Ke$ha..
yes Imma big fan of her.. any problem ?
okay back to the topic, wow.. i didn't even know this before..
Ke$ha's not only talented at may genre of songs, but she is active in
writing song for other artist including Britney Spears..
many of the new artist demand Ke$ha to write a song to them..
not all artist has a talent to do that.. means if anybody still
says that Ke$ha is suck or polluted the music industry or whatever,
maybe you should think twice.. if still can't means you're stupid.. nuff said..

With Britney

p/s : Stop comparing Ke$ha and Lady Gaga please...
they're both have millions of differences.. that's really hurts me as a Ke$ha's fan..
if you hate Ke$ha.. fine.. i don't care.. but please... don't say like this...
"I hate artist like Gaga AND Ke$ha".. what's up with the word AND there?
they're both really really different if your eyes still working properly..

Just ignore Katy's picture.. look at Ke$ha and Gaga picture..
are they looks similar ? duhh..

"Shy" is Better than "Shame"

Since kid till now.. i never use that kind of toilet even once..
yeah people always says that man who pee on that place is more
masculine and gentlemen.. for me its not.. actually people who pee
on that toilet are unhygienic.. they didn't wash their "tut tutt" isn't it ? eww
i don't care if people call me gay or a freak guy for peeing in the toilet room 
b'coz at least i'm cleaner than all of them.. i know what's the best for myself..
maybe you should think twice before giving a free show to
others and staining your "stuff".. LOL

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Don't Play With Fire la Pakcik..

Hari jumaat lepas saya sekeluarga pergi johor atas hal hal tertentu..
sebelum pergi dah pastikan luar rumah bersih.. pastu tutup gate guna tikar
takut anjing masuk.. pastu bertolak pukul 4 pagi..
saya dan sekeluarga balik pada hari yang sama pada pukul 8 malam..
tiba tiba... tikar yang di tutup terselak luas.. rak kasut jatuh berterabur..
anak kucing semua terkeluar dari kotak and kat dinding ada kesan
tapak kaki.. saya punya la menyirap dengan pakcik pengecut takdak telor tu..
ingat nak maki je.. tapi bila bila fikir fikir balik orang pengecut macam tu
maki pun tak guna.. kita keluar nanti dia buat lagi.. then keesokan harinya saya
perli cara halus kat pakcik pengecut tu.. "tau tak kalau menceroboh tu
boleh jadi kes polis.. menceroboh tu kes berat.. silap silap kena jail 5 tahun..
ikutkan kan hati aku report je kau kat polis.. dah lah curik baju aku..
menceroboh pulak tuh.. kalau tak puas hati apa kata kau face to face
je ngan aku".. then dia masuk pastu hempas pintu.. dasar pengecut..
mmg tunggu la kau.. kesabaran aku kat kau sekeluarga dah sampai tahap nya..
just wait and see what I will do to you and your bullshit family..

kesan cat tertanggal dan kesan tapak kasut.. bukti dia panjat masuk rumah saya..

Inilah dia rumah yang menempatkan keturunan yang hina tu..

p/s : tiba tiba terjadi satu benda yang agak 'menarik'.. semalam waktu
bini dia balik dari kerja.. suami dia yang dok menganggur tu
tanak bukak pintu.. bini dia call banyak kali gegar gegar pagar
pun dia tak bukak jugak.. last last bini dia merajuk tak balik rumah 2 hari..
ntah ntah kau simpan pompuan kat rumah.. sebab tu tak berani
nak bukak pintu.. haha.. nasib baik bini kau balik jugak lepas tu..
kalau tak, mati kebulur la kau kat rumah.. hahaha

Shame.. on me.. *whistle*

Perhaps this was the happiest moment in year 2012.. and the worst too.. lol
i'm hangout with my bestfriend BigShow and her former form 3 classmate, Iza..
we went to IOI Mall and planning for a wayang, snooker, bowling,
makan makan together and meet our friends that works here..
unfortunately we skipped the bowling game due to Iza must leave early..

winner of the day : Big Show..
err.. can somebody beat the energy that bigshow have ? lol

udah udah le tu Bigshow.. hewhew

action je melebih tu.. last last bola melantun.. ops.. hahaha

Big "show off ".. rofl

membatak cermin mata *part yang tak boleh blah*.. haha

bergambar kenangan sebelum balik

...and the shame-est thing is, after wayang.. i'm on the phone with my sister
and staring at the floor while walking.. i just follow wherever
Myra and Iza go.. suddenly, people around me are laughing
and pointing finger at me.. and myra's like "woi Ijam".. and
finally i realize that i'm already in the women's toilet.. Ouchh!
Ooooo my..... i don't know where to hide my face at that time..
i ran out quickly and waits them far from that toilet...
grr.. that incident is reallyyy really really humiliated me..
i'm gonna remember that moment sampai ke tujuh keturunan.. urrgh..
but anyway.. that thing doesn't spoil my mood.. i'm still happy
and enjoyed hanging out with my friends..
life must go on isn't it ? (ayat cover malu je tu).. LoL haha..

p/s : on the way balik jumpa Lisa Surihani (padahal bukan)..
dah kurus skit plus bergaya dah dia sekarang..
btw Myra, thanks for the baju.. susah susah je..
bukan senang nak dapat hadiah dari Sarawak ni.. hehe..
i'm really appreciate it.. thank you so much my bestfriend..

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Goodbye silly queer Dogs !

you killed my cat.. you destroyed my plants.. you messed my trash can..
you shitting everywhere and you make some silly noise every night...
i think its time for you to go.. i will call the "majlis pebandaran"
to capture every of your silly generations.. i know its hard for me to kill you..
i still had a sense of humanity to you.. even when i chase you with "sabit"
in my hand, i won't attack you with that weapon.. this is how i show
my respect to you.. but you still keep doing trouble at my place..
as long as you here, you always threaten the safety of my cats
and other people..
i don't care if you're a stray dogs, a tokong dogs,
or a "penjaga kawasan pembangunan" dogs.. once the "majlis pebandaran" come,
i demanded them to sweep every all of you with no mercy.. The End !

* yes you're cute.. and i'm know that you're not supposed to live like that..
but i have to do this to ensure the safety of my cats and other people.*

Future Breakout Singer ?

me breakout singer ? lmfao.. but i know i have a nice voice (perasan).. haha
last 2 days, i teased my mom and said "ibu.. ijam nak masuk Mentor boleh?"
and my mom said "penyanyi takde masa depan" and bla...bla...bla...
i replied, "tapi kalau menang dapat 100 ribu dengan kereta sebijik woo.."
and my mom said, "kalau menang.. kalau kalah mana nak letak muka.." ..haha thats funny..
i know ibu, everything you said are true.. i know you want the best for your son's future..
i'll try my best to avoid from being a singer or actor.. no worry ibu.. i luv u..

p/s : but still.. keinginan tu ada.. hahaha..

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The most shameful thing...

sudahlah kes Zarina An Joulie & 2 ekor mamat gay yang kahwin kat oversea tu
dah sangat memalukan.. tambah lagi pulak dengan kes Amalina Che Bakri..

masih ingat Amalina ? pelajar yang begitu cemerlang dan memperoleh 17A1 dalam SPM..
A dalam semua subjek tuu.. hebat.. tetapi apabila melangkah ke oversea, lain pulak jadinya..
barulah terserlah sifat sebenar beliau yang selama ni terkongkong di bawah undang undang..
yang paling mengejutkan masih ramai pihak yang menyokong tindakan Amalina.. contoh seperti ini..

*siap 20 LIKE lagi tuu.. fuulawei..*

tak kisah la orang lain pun buat ka apa ka.. pi mampuih la kat depa..
Amalina ni dah lah ikon para pelajar, pastu dedah dedah siap tangkap gamba lagi..
tak ke nanti jadi budaya baru kat Malaysia ? atau mungkin orang orang yang menyokong ni
buta dan memerlukan kaca mata size 5 inci.. atau mereka terlalu pedo dan ghairah
melihat gamba gamba Amalina ni ? biar saya explain kan..

*plus gaya posing yang agak liar*

masih tak nampak kah apa salah nya ? kalau tak nampak jugak memang anda
bermasalah la tu..
tak kisah la dia pandai ke, dia baik ke, but still,
kita tak boleh menegakkan benang yang basah kan.. yang salah tetap salah..
bukan nya menyokong lagi perbuatan beliau.. lagi teruk lah jawab nya..
tugas kita hanyalah berdoa agar beliau kembali ke pangkal jalan.. moga moga
dia sempat bertaubat sebelum terlambat.. (tetiba jadi ustaz pulak daa) lol

Farewell calon PLKN first batch !

although i know plkn is fun.. and enjoyable..
but i freakingly hate it.. don't know why.. really hope that
i will find the way to avoid plkn..  lol
there's many things i can do instead of going to plkn..
i can get more than 300 if i'm not going it..
is it worth being trapped at that place for 3 month and get 300 ? don't think so..
but anyway, all the best to the first batch plkn candidates...
hope you guys enjoy your so called "holiday vacation".. lol

Spender koyak pun kena curi ?

well.. mesti korang pelik kan.. sekejap guna BM.. sekejap guna BI..
sebenarnya aku kalau dalam mood "hot".. aku guna BM..
kalau dalam mood "cool" guna BI (or rojak)..
ok kembali ke topik.. haishh jiran... jiran... tau la kau penganggur,
bini kau kerani je.. anak sampai dua (walaupun pondan)..
takkan la sampai baju aku and family semua habis kau curik ?
ok cemni ceritanya.. saya sidai baju kat luar rumah.. lebih kurang
16 baju and seluar termasuk 5 pakaian dalam.. and esok pagi ,
tinggal 3 baju je.. pakaian dalam habis semua hilang.. bapak kesian plus hina..
aku tak boleh bayangkan lepas kau curi kau bangga pakai baju tu depan orang ramai..
tak malu ke ? mungkin memang keturunan kau cemtu kot..
anak2 umur dah darjah 3 darjah 4 pun berlari-lari bogel kat luar rumah lagi..
haduh memang sumpah hina keturunan keluarga kau.. sekali dengan nenek2 kau hina.. -.-

the wors.. i mean the best new year's gift..

i almost thought that one of my lovely cat already missing..
even worse when i almost think that he's dead because
i saw my neighbour burying something and he said that it was a cat..
i was really sad and down at that moment.. seriously..
maybe the silly queer dogs kills him..
everybody's happy for the countdown at 31 December 2011
to welcomed 2012 but i'm not.. but... at the night of 1 January 2012,
my lovely cat is back.. Oh my... my mouth "terlopong" and my breath
is as fast as F1 racing car.. and i was like "Oreeeeen!! balik pun dia.."
i hug him tightly.. and yes.. he's very skinny for not eating almost 2 days..
i quickly fed him and he's now back to normal.. back to his actual life.. Alhamdulillah..

It Begins...

got lesen L already.. woohoo.. but still, cannot drive on the road till i get
the lesen P in this february.. can't wait.. like seriously..
and by that, i'm curik-curik bawak my father's car pegi kedai..
dah la Unser.. besar.. whoaaa.. but still.. i can drive safely.. yearrghh..
now my confidence level is gained a lot more than before..
so JPJ, watch out.. i'm gonna make your eyes widely opened..