Friday, December 30, 2011

Ramai lagi nak kawan dgn ko ? LOL

ya Allah.. kenapa la ko ni dungu plus lembab sgt.. wei sedar diri wei..
umur kau dah tua.. takkan tak boleh tangkap maksud aku..
Nerd yg aku maksudkan tu bukan sebab "cermin mata" or "kipas angin"
or apa apa benda.. Nerd tu ialah sikap ko la... sumpah lawak doe kau ni..
pastu ramai lagi yg nak kawan ko ? kau tau tak lepas je aku shoot ko ,
berduyun-duyun org IM aku cakap diorang pun benci ko.. kesian gila ko..
dah la ajak org lain gaduh sama.. kenapa ? takboleh gaduh sorang2 ? aduhh..
cara ko cakap macam ko hotstuff.. padahal realiti ko "apepontakbolehstuff"..
mungkin inilah masa untuk ko menghadapi dunia realiti.. Doe!!
bukan nya bergantung segala galanya kepada dunia internet.. Doe!!

Please!! don't be toooooo Nerd!! Doe!!

ko tanya lagi kenapa aku butthurt.. sorry to say la bro..
sebenarnya aku tanak mencarut.. tapi aku rasa aku perlu membuat
sedimikian... aku rasa ko ni BODO plus BENGAP kot..
ko tau tak.. orang lain yg takde kena mengena dengan masalah
ni pun dah boleh tau semua benda.. ni ko tuan punya badan sendiri
dok tanya "kenapa butthurt" berpuluh ribu kali... alahaai aku bersimpati
dengan ko lah.. apa kata ko minta explanation daripada org lain.. aku tanak
bazirkan tenaga tangan aku untuk explain dengan org yg takkan pernah
paham and blurr mcm ko.. ko sedar tak diri ko macam mana sebenarnya?
apa kata ko berdiri depan cermin then tanya diri sendiri pulak kenapa
kenapa aku nerd ek ? apa salah yg aku buat ek ? or whatever ek ek ?

p/s : serious perangai ko mengalahkan budak sekolah rendah.. serious DOE!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I can be you best friends.. at the the same time I can be your worst enemy..

ko boleh tanya kenapa aku butthurt ? jawapan tu ada pada ko
sendiri wahai manusia nerd.. aku tak penah cakap pun ko kutuk aku..
tapi... alahai tak sampai hati nak cakap.. pandai2 ko baca balik post aku tuh..
belajar tinggi2 takkan tak pandai membaca.. ko cari aku time ko ade masalah
sbb ko hargai aku ? jawapan yg sungguh nerd.. time aku susah ada
ko bantu aku ? ko tambah lagi susah aku ada la.. ye lah.. aku paham ko tanak
rasa terpinggir kan.. kat dunia realiti terpinggir, kat alam maya kenalah
'rock' kan ? ntah2 ko takde real life friends kan ? ahaa kesiannya..
mungkin ko perlu sedar diri ko yg ko sebenarnya dah berumur ,
misai pun dah tumbuh (walaupun kontot).. jgn la nk berlagak samseng
hanya di alam maya.. mcm budak2 yoooouuu knoooow!! Doe!!
Now i know why people hates you and i can feel that too..

p/s: kau perlu cermin diri kau la der.. serious kau nerd..
konon2 pedo.. tapi smpai skang takde girlfriend..
org lain umur mcm kau semua dah kawin la DOE !!
Get a Life!! Doe!! Doe!! Doe!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

WARNING ! Do Not FARTS in Public Places.. thank you

alahaii.. perlu ke warning2 bagai.. tapi kau perlu ingat lah..
kasihani lah orang lain.. kentut kau kalau sedap utk di bau takpe..
ini.... masyaallah... bau longkang depan rumah aku lagi best.. lol
tak kisah la kau anak raja ke , awek seksi ke , ada penyakit ke..
tak boleh ke blahh jauh jauh pastu kentut la puas puas..
sebab  kalau kau kentut :

1) Kau telah membunuh 'deria bau' orang lain..
2) Kami akan hilang fokus utk belajar/kerja.. (lebih lebih lagi bila ceramah)
3) Kami tak senang duduk dan terseksa..
4) Kami saling tuduh menuduh antara satu
sama lain.... (kau pun tuduh sama padahal kau yang kentut)
5) Segala jenis alasan.. (malas nk cakap)..
6) Yang paling aku tak tahan.. kalau kau kentut dekat dekat dgn aku ,
gerenti orang lain pandang2 aku.. (selalu aku kena).. padahal aku depan keluarga
pun aku malu malu nak kentut.. ni senang senang je kau buat macam aku yang kentut..
kau rileks je sebab bau kentut kau dah lalu pegi depan.. arggh sakit hati gila....


* Laki kalau kentut bau sampah.. Pompuan pulak kalau kentut bau sampah + bedak..

aku paham kau sakit perut la.. sakit jubur la.. peduli apa..
tak boleh ke buat buat macam pegi toilet pastu kentut ke.. or at least
lepas kau kentut kau spray perfume dekat 'kilang' kentut kau tu..
hishh.. so wahai pengentut.. bertimbang rasalah dan berhentilah
menganiaya orang lain.. anda mampu mengubahnya... sekian terima kasih !

Should we just use dettol ? hmm..

okay the FB viruses keep invading from time to time..
at first , 'they' ask a video chat , then spreads porn videos ,
and the latest one.. spamming our wall.. its annoyed me a lot..

since i didn't like to unfriend or block someone on my friendlist ,
i don't what to do know.. grr
p/s : may the person who created virus will rotten in seven stages of hell..

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Botak for goodness ?

if already promised myself if i got at least 5A in SPM and
got at least C in 4 other subject.. i will cut my hair into botak..
haha.. i hate botak head.. but i'm serious about what i'm saying..
so all of you can wish me to botak starts from now.. haha.. hope so..

sabar sabar and sabar.. Hmm..

okay.. i'm searching for jobs too badly since finished spm.. and some of my friends
urge me to do so with them.. seriously jealous with my friends that already
have job.. and finally, my father's friend ask me if i want to work in his place as
a waiter or cashier.. i want it too bad.. i like ''alhamdulillah.. rezeki..''
then my father said.. ''nanti2 lah.. habiskan lesen dulu".. whaaaaat ?
lesen is about 2 month baru keluar.. nak buat apa kat rumah lama lama..
but nvm, i will find another way.. (tetap nk kerja jugak)..

One Step Closer...

woohoo!! pass ujian undang-undang.. although demam+batuk, still can do the ujian
with ease.. got 44marks out of 50.. tomorrow got another test.. go to the bengkel
and study how to change the tyre, battery and whatsoever.. and the most
interesting is the car driving lesson.. woooo..

*show off*

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

anything involves the word 'FAIL'

okay.. this is another video that make my stomach 'pecah'..

the fail catwalk.. (model falls)..

i know it hurts.. but as a normal human being, its really funny.. urrghh.. XD

and.. the banned commercials.. (just to put a few)

i've already watch all 13 edition of this banned commercials.. kinda weird but ultimately funny...

Oh Jenna Marbles !

Jenna!! you know what.. your videos always made my day..
my stomach explode when i watch every of your video..

She's mocking Gaga.. The jacket is the funniest past.. then the chorus is the breathtaking part..
i repeat this video for 10 times and still laughing.. XD

Now she's mocking Ke$ha.. i'm really big fan of Ke$ha..
but this video is really funny as hell..

She's mocking Bieber.. believe me, she's really sounds like Bieber..
She's really talented at mocking someone.. hahaha

there're too many funny video made by her.. i don't think i'm gonna post it all here..
just go to her channel.. click here JennaMarbles..
i bet you'll be laughing as 5 years old child.. lol

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kerja tak bergaji...

well.. since finishing SPM.. things that i do everyday is eat , sleep, poo? online and
the 'kerja' that i meant is menghafal lagu as much as i can.. weird right ? lol
well.. 1 day i can memorize at least 3 english songs and malay songs (sometimes)..
yea my friend ask me to join them kerja but shame on me i tak reti naik bas.. haha
So i don't know what the solution other than waiting for my car license that 3 months away..
waaa i want kerja sooo bad.. but the car license is far more important than that..
hope i can pass the ujian next week and finished all test as soon as i can....

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm gonna hate you "Till The World Ends"..

Britney.... Britney.... I actually loves your song.. your music always shaking my head..
but when your fans doing shit and 'main tipu'.. its very unfair..
okay here's the story, launched "Which of this video music should be crowned best video
music of the year 2011/2012".. 40 video music were included..
fight and fight and fight.. we're down to 4.. Ke$ha "Blow" vs P!nk "Perfect" and
Avril Lavigne "What The Hell" vs 'Cheat'ney Spears "I wanna Go"...
Ke$ha move on to final after got 51 millions of fair votes..
and Britney move on to final after got 79 millions of cheat votes..
and the bad news, she's winning that title Best video music of 2011/2012 after
getting 81 millions of cheat votes.. Sh!t.. her fans created more than 10 accounts to vote her..
some on them have more than 20 accounts just to vote her..
thier stupid  reasons are "let Britney won on her Birthday".. thats really Sh!t..
i'm sad because Ke$ha never be in that far.. their loyal fans (including me) vote for so hard..
still can accept if Britney won by clean and fair votes.. but..... errgh !

p/s : okay 'Cheat'ney.. enjoy your mucky birthday present from your mucky fans.. :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

any problem ?

i know my blog isn't too creative and interesting..
so what ? i'm not a girl.. (waaa.. again the word girl entering my blog).. haha
i don't think that i gonna put teddy bear or love signs anywhere in my blog.. it is just ridiculous.. thats all..

Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Siang" Pertama !

baru hari pertama dengar kursus memandu dah blur..
dah la markah lulus ujian undang2 42/50.. gila.. then cikgu pulak meletakkan harapan yg tinggi..
walaupun tempoh utk menduduki ujian tu adalah SETAHUN.. saya cuba mengambilnya
dalam masa seminggu.. harap2 lulus lah.. ( tak saba nak pegang lesen) hehehe..

Lesen !!!!!

yearggh.. the biggest moment of my life is just begins..
today, 8:00am is my first day of Kursus Memandu.. excited nya.. wish me luck guyss !!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Girls ?

Do i really need to talk about girls here ? nahh don't think so..
ini bukan blog "Puisi Cinta" okay.. i only post about.... about what i wanna post.. ha..haa... (i know not funny right).. i'll try my best to avoid the word "Girl" or "Love" from invading my blog.. maybe sometimes i do.. but most of the time i won't...

La La La

LA LA LA LA LA (Testing) lol