Monday, March 5, 2012

The Digusted Moment When.........

.......When a girl really want to tell the world that she's hot..
nahhh.. one day , i forgot to logout my facebook account.. then
my kakak made a status like this "aku hensem".. i was like OMG never doin
that before.. some smart and educated people know that status is a type of joke..
but ada lah 2 3 org budak perasan hot yang hangin.. kenapa kalau
aku hensem sekalipun.. kedudukan kau sebagai budak paling hot tergugat ke ?
alahaii sian kau.. there is one girl that make status like this "Stop trying to be hot sebab
you tak hot pun... blah.. blah..blah.." ..hey, i pissed my pant off when seeing your status..
did you really think you're hot ? why would you proud when making a status
to ask "everybody please stop inbox-ing me".. to let the world know that
everybody likes you.. omg.. you're such ATTENTION SEEKER and
you really needs help you know.. you really think your face without makeup
and your fucking ducklips are beautiful ? really ? then take a look at the mirror..
if still think that you're beautiful , then your eyes are problems..
dah la like status sendiri , murah pulak tuh.. ops.. did i say murah ?

you really think your lips is as beautiful as this.....

 but the real fact is like this..... nuff said !

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